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Investment Guide (Page 3)

What Can I Use A Business Loan For?

It is of no surprise that nowadays in our society, talking about debt is considered no less than a bad thing. Debt is a very misunderstood factor amongst people nowadays. One of the first assumptions that strike our mind when we hear about the word debt is to judge that the person must be struggling. Of course, this is the case in most cases but this doesn’t mean that it applies to all of them. There are different circumstances too which should be kept in... ❯❯❯

The Pros and Cons of Investing in Penny Stocks

The Pros and Cons of Investing in Penny StocksPenny stocks or cent stocks are typically defined as shares of a public company that are usually traded for less than $5 a share. Wise investors know that penny stocks are a high risk, but have the potential for a big return. While most financial advisors recommend that people don’t invest in penny stocks, it might be wise to incorporate penny stocks into your overall portfolio. However it is important to know the pros and cons of investing in penny... ❯❯❯

A Wise Funeral Investment

A Wise Funeral InvestmentA lot of people are frightened and anxious when it comes to talking about deaths and funerals. It is quite understandable because after all, it is not entirely a light topic to just bring up casually. However, it does not make it okay to push the topic at the far end of your mind and list of priorities. If you do, you might just have a tendency to make terrible financial decisions in your life. Those decisions may, later on, affect your family and give... ❯❯❯

A High Yielding Investment

A High Yielding InvestmentA high yielding investment is definitely a dream come true for those who want to grow their savings. But the sad reality is, not everyone who is willing to invest would be able to attain such a goal at the end of their investment period. In fact, there will even be some people who would sadly and unfortunately, lost part of their investment along the way. That is why in a lot of cases, people are just hoping that they somehow get a tiny amount of interest... ❯❯❯

Real Estate Investments in 2020 – Trends and Tips

We’re close to the end of 2019, a year that proved to be very fruitful for real estate investments, although geopolitics at a global scale had been deteriorating. It’s a good time to start and reflect on what 2020 might bring and that’s exactly what we’re going to do. Together we’ll look at bothemerging and developed economies and see what the experts are saying. Emerging Economies Whether we like it or not, emerging economies will continue to be the... ❯❯❯

Investing for Beginners

Investing for BeginnersInvesting money is not an easy decision to make, and returns don't come to you overnight. There are different investment channels and opportunities you can consider and choose, but with each one of them, there is no 100% guarantee that you would make your money back. There is always some risk involved in investing your money; you just have to figure out which channel is worth your time, money, and trust. If you are a beginner or just looking to explore... ❯❯❯

Best Forex Trading Platforms for Beginners

If you’re new to Forex and are currently in the hunt for a platform that gets the job done simply, it’s important to know about the top choices for beginners. Even if you have already chosen a broker and set up an account, there’s still plenty of time to check out what’s available. The good news is that often brokers provide multiple platform options, so you’re not necessarily tied to a single method. Remember that in some cases, a broker might have its... ❯❯❯

Traditional vs Alternative Investments: What Are the Differences?

Traditional vs Alternative Investments: What Are the Differences?Long gone are the days where the only way you could invest was through the stock exchange. There are now far more ways to potentially grow your money; known as alternative investments. Some people argue that alternative investments are the only way to go nowadays. Whereas others believe traditional investments are the best. We take a look at the differences between traditional investments and alternative investments, to see which is better. Definitions: ... ❯❯❯

What Types of Cryptocurrencies Can You Trade with Atecs Capital?

What Types of Cryptocurrencies Can You Trade with Atecs Capital?There’s no doubt that Atecs Capital is currently one of the crypto-related brokers that’s expanding at a fast pace and because of, a different kind of review should be necessary. We would like to focus on the main types of cryptocurrencies that are currently available for trading as well as how usual traders, like ourselves, can trade them effectively. Since there’s no way to cover all aspects that must be taken into account when trading a particular... ❯❯❯

Should You Still Invest in Overseas Real Estate?

Investing in overseas real estate is a good idea in the majority of cases. Investing in real estate is like this by default, but by buying property overseas you can get some extra benefits, for example, win on a weaker currency. Of course, there are many factors one needs to consider when purchasing property abroad, with international politics being one of the most important. Brexit and its far-reaching impact on the global economy is proof of that. ... ❯❯❯

Realistic Ways to Invest If You’re Broke

Realistic Ways to Invest If You’re BrokeYou’ve probably heard how important it is to invest in something, whether that’s the stock market, bonds, or even real estate, but how do you put money into any investment if you don’t have any? That’s one of the biggest hurdles young people and low-income individuals see on their way to building wealth through investment. They feel like it takes money to make money, and that’s not untrue, but it also doesn’t necessarily count you out of the investment... ❯❯❯

You Best Investment Choice

You Best Investment ChoiceChoosing the right investment for your hard earned money may be a difficult process to go through because of the different options and channels you could choose from and as well as the different factors you should consider when investing money – especially if it is not a small amount. You have worked hard and saved for a period of time just so you could have the extra cash to put up in investments, so it is important you place it where you would get the... ❯❯❯

The Basics You Need To Know Before You Learn How To Trade Futures

Traders, whether new or experienced, know how complex trading futures is. It’s never a cakewalk. It takes time and effort to fully understand even analyze how to get things right. Like any other investments, it’s an investment journey laden with risks – and at some point, you’ll fail. That’s why before you take a leap into futures, learn how to trade futures the right way. Otherwise, as a futures investor, it will be a riddled-filled journey with more... ❯❯❯

Can Libra Have an Impact on the Global Cryptocurrency Market?

Can Libra Have an Impact on the Global Cryptocurrency Market?There had been a lot of speculation on Facebook launching its own cryptocurrency and the social media giant managed to keep the project under the carpet for a significant amount of time. Leaks to the press occurred since late 2018 but it was only in June that Libra had been officially announced. Although a stablecoin independent from the cryptocurrency market, the story had a major impact on large-cap tokens (Bitcoin, Ether, Litecoin, etc.) and today... ❯❯❯

Where is the Beef? Beyond Meet Does Not Need Any

Beyond meat during the last week of July released its financial results stating that the company posted revenues that nearly quadrupled year over year. Sales grew much fast than expected and the company increased its guidance for sales for the entire fiscal year. The company also revealed plans to sell more alternative meat products, as well as the dreaded secondary offering. Beyond Meat reported that sales surged in the Q2 rising to 67.3 million... ❯❯❯

Is Financial Illiteracy Ruining Your Life?

The reason money can feel overwhelming is that no one ever taught you how to manage it. It’s rarely taught in families or in schools.    While it would be nice to take a course that explains exactly how money works, most online and offline courses are far too in-depth for most people.    Most courses don’t start with the basics but assume you know them already. So, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed because most of the information is over your head. Unless... ❯❯❯

Why Cars Are A Good Investment for Your Money

Why Cars Are A Good Investment for Your MoneyYou might think that cars are not a good investment because by nature, cars have a yearly depreciation value. This is only natural because you would not get the same 2019 Toyota Fortuner in the next five years – it would be in a less good shape even if it is really well maintained and taken care off. That is just how the wear and tear of something used frequently comes into play. So who in their right mind would actually opt to invest in a car that would... ❯❯❯

Trading Commodities Versus Currencies

Trading Commodities Versus CurrenciesThe commodity and currency markets provide traders with an opportunity to generate gains from liquid markets. One of the benefits of trading specific commodities is that you can gauge the specific supply and demand components of these markets, which will provide you with a fundamental picture. Supply and demand are harder to gauge in the currency markets, but a path that describes the future direction of an exchange rate is interest rate differentials. ... ❯❯❯

Investments in Crypto PR Could Indicate Traction For Small Projects

In the world of digital assets and crypto tokens, success is driven by a single factor - network effects. Essentially, the value of each token is amplified by every additional user who adopts it. More people on a network enhance the value of the network which attracts more users to adopt the platform. It’s a virtuous cycle of value creation that has led to the adoption of nearly every major social technology in recent history - from smartphones to social... ❯❯❯

SocialGood Cashback Live After $30 Million Raised

SocialGood Cashback Live After $30 Million RaisedThe Social Good Foundation announced important information that will contribute to the development of their long-awaited project. For those of you that don’t already know, the foundation had launched an ambitious project that aims to revolutionize the commerce sector. By working with several big companies from the industry, like Amazon and Apple, the company wants to create a system, based on blockchain technology and Artificial Intelligence, which will... ❯❯❯

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