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Investment Guide (Page 7)

Holiday Gifting Without Financial Pressure

Seasonal expenses creep in without fanfare, sneaking up on well-intentioned gift-givers bringing joy to their friends and families.  It is easy to get carried away with the spirit of giving; after all, celebrations call for memorable presents.  But left unmanaged, spending quickly goes beyond affordability for many holiday shoppers. Generosity, within your means, is indeed part of the seasonal joy shared with loved ones.  Excited celebrants, marking... ❯❯❯

How to Overcome a Financial Crisis

How to Overcome a Financial CrisisWhen you are in the midst of a financial crisis, it may seem as if there is no way out.  Facing eviction, essential medical costs you cannot pay or other vital expenses that you don’t have the money for can be very frightening and you may not know where to turn. Fortunately, there are solutions available when you go through a financial hard time. You just need to think carefully and explore the options systematically to find the right option for you. ... ❯❯❯

Save Money on Holiday Gift Giving

Holidays are supposed to be a time to celebrate, enjoy friends and family, and give thanks and be grateful for the things we are blessed with in our life. That’s the idea anyhow. Does that sound right to you? Probably not. While, there are certainly aspects of many holidays that we all enjoy, more often those holidays are fraught with a great deal of stress and some amount of desire for that holiday to be over. One part of the stress factor arises because... ❯❯❯

An Introduction to Credit Derivatives

An Introduction to Credit DerivativesMost day traders will have dealt with derivatives in at least some form. Despite this, many have a very limited understanding of the different types of derivative that are commonly traded, or the financial and legal implications of these trades. A derivative is where a contract’s value is determined by the value of an underlying asset or assets at a future date. A credit derivative is a type of derivative. Its price and value comes from the risk of debt... ❯❯❯


There could be many reasons why you choose a credit card, but before you decide, it’s likely you’ll take time to look into some of the common notions about them first. For example, what is the best credit card to have? Is it true that you are entitled to rewards as a card holder? Can you draw cash from ATMs? Will your credit card purchases be kept separate from your bank account? It is always sensible to carefully consider any financial decision you... ❯❯❯

5 College Education Cost Estimation Tips

Going to college can be an expensive venture. While you want to make a solid return on your investment, you also don’t want to skimp, especially when it comes to matters having to do with your educational aspirations. This is the reason why you want to have a rough budget of your entire college experience totally mapped out. With a rough estimation, you can plan on your living arrangements, your tuition and all the other miscellaneous costs that come with... ❯❯❯

Secrets To Paying For College

It's not uncommon today for young people to find themselves financing their college education mostly or completely on their own.  Although this task may sound next to impossible for students who are evaluating the costs of different colleges, it is a process that many people have navigated successfully.  Students who explore their financing options, think carefully about their choice of school, and keep spending under control with a prepaid card for teens... ❯❯❯

The Top 4 Places to Get Day Trade Training Online

The Top 4 Places to Get Day Trade Training OnlineWe have all heard the glamour stories behind day trade training. People can take a small amount of money and walk away millionaires at the end of the day. Unfortunately, too often, people are sucked into this idea and find themselves throwing away their life savings without the proper knowledge of what they are doing. Thankfully there are available day trade training programs available to help the serious individual find success within this financial... ❯❯❯

The insiders guide to personal loans

When faced with a need for emergency funds, many people look first to a credit card. However, with interest rates on credit cards being as high as 25 percent, personal loans may be a viable alternative. This method of borrowing funds works well for individuals with good credit scores; those people with less than good credit should compare interest rates between personal loans and other sources carefully. Personal loans can be used for a variety of... ❯❯❯

Can Buying a Used Car Genuinely Represent an Investment?

Despite almost consistent growth during 2013, there are signs that sales in the used car market are beginning to slump. This is causing confidence to dwindle among dealerships, while consumers are also beginning to think twice before buying a second-hand vehicle. On the flip-side, however, this may cause a depreciation in the cost of used cars nationwide, which opens up the concept of purchasing second-hand models as a potential investment vehicle. The... ❯❯❯

Do You Really Need a Strict Budget?

Do You Really Need a Strict Budget?Having a budget might not sound like a lot of fun, but the reality is that most people need one. Without a budget, it is difficult to tell where your money is going, and it is hard to make sure that you have enough money left over after paying bills and covering your expenses to save for retirement or to save for a rainy day. With a budget, you can create a plan for your money that allows you to grow your net worth and that allows you to achieve both... ❯❯❯

Payment Solutions by Industry Sector: Singapore

Payment Solutions by Industry Sector: SingaporeSingapore is well-known as one of the fastest growing economies in the world, so it’s no surprise that it is also one of the frontrunners of credit and debit payments in Asia. Particularly in recent years, consumerism in the city-state has changed enormously. In a survey conducted 13 years ago, the Department of Statistics and IDA revealed that only 25 percent of Singaporean consumers who made online transactions used a credit card for their payments,... ❯❯❯

How to Double Your Investments and Limit Your Risks: Hire a Financial Planner

The desire to manage one's finances with the goal of becoming financially stable and, as much as possible, financially independent, is an admirable objective. It is a simple fact that the better a person's financial stability, the better their quality of life is in a number of areas. That a person should seek financial stability is a given. The question of whether this is a pursuit that can be effectively managed alone is another matter. With a worldwide... ❯❯❯

5 Tips To Getting Your First Car Loan

Getting your first car loan can sometimes be stressful, but it should be an exciting time for you, so we have together a few tips to getting your first car loan to perhaps make this a less stressful experience for you. Tip 1 – Only Apply Once You Are Satisfied With The Offer Quite often a first time borrower makes the mistake by formally applying to find out his interest rate. Often this is just a sales tactic and a good credit assistance provider... ❯❯❯

Straight from the Horse’s Mouth: Money Saving Tips For the Equine Inclined

All things considered, Britain is quite the horsey nation. Riding and keeping horses continues to grow in popularity, with more than four million riders in Great Britain. And even though equestrian sports have long been the province of the well to do, not all horse owners and riders are wealthy – not by a long shot. In fact about 25% of horse riders earn less than £10,000 per year. Keeping a horse, however, can be an expensive endeavour, which is putting... ❯❯❯

Fatten Up Your Bankroll for Christmas

“Christmas is coming, the geese are getting fat…” It’s that time of year again, but while the geese may be getting fat, many families are finding that their bankrolls are woefully thin. Families could benefit from the help of a payday loan to have a stress free lead up to Christmas and enable them to make all of the necessary purchases for the big day. The desire to go all out with presents, food, decorations and festivities is so deeply ingrained that... ❯❯❯

Lifestyle Changes that Pay

Bill Gates is worth $72 billion, and Warren Buffet, $58.5 billion. Unless your name is next on the list, or even fifteen places below, you probably are interested in ways to keep more of your paycheck in your pocket. There really is no need to overhaul your life; simple lifestyle changes will net you a hefty savings. Grocery Shopping This area gets to the heart of what we value as Americans. Family meals and round-the-table chat are the Norman Rockwell... ❯❯❯

Infographic - Insight into the minds of professional investors

The below infographic which is split out into 5 different sections has been produced so give consumers insight into the minds of professional investors. Throughout the 5 piece infographic the following headings will be covered; Confidence in the UK economy among fund managers    How investors believe the UK economy would be affected by Scottish independence If fund managers think Carney will be better than King as Governor of the Bank of England ... ❯❯❯

How Businesses can Save Money

Naturally, a business will have been set up to make profit for its owner and staff. In the current tough economic climate, companies are always looking for ways to make their money go further. Cutting down on costs is often the most efficient way to save money where an accumulation of even small savings can push your profits higher over time. With so many aspects to contend with regarding your business, it can tricky to know where to start. Advertising... ❯❯❯

How Self-Employed Workers Can Save Money

Being self-employed has many advantages but there are also potential downsides that can arise when working for yourself. One of these is the fact that a regular income is not necessarily guaranteed. Of course, it is solely you who are responsible for your own pay as well as sick leave maintenance, tax payments and pension scheme. With all these responsibilities to take care of, keeping on top of your finances can be hard and ensuring you have enough to... ❯❯❯

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